Thursday, September 4, 2008

And it burns, burns, burns, that ring of fire...

Oh wait, I mean, red ring of death or as microsoft calls it, the three flashing red lights. I personally prefer the red ring of death.

Tuesday night I retured home at 9:30pm after a particularly stressful day and just wanted to play a little Tony Hawk. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.

Step one: Freak out.
OMG no fucking way can I live without my XBOX! Even though I have a Mac Book, an old school super ninetendo and a PS2.

Step two: Google "Three flashing red lights" and "Ring of Death" in a last attempt to figure out how to fix this.
Aside from the suggestion of overheating your xbox by wrapping it in towels and letting it run for 20 minutes I figured out it was doomed and decided to call about the extended warranty I have on the system.

Apparently the RROD is under manufactures recall and trumps the protection plan I bought when I got my xbox and now I have to call Microsoft! YAY! I got the RROD on Tuesday night and have spoken to three different "agents" from Microsoft on three subsequent days (I called on the 2nd day following the 1st call because the woman I spoke to was a moron. Good thing I did because apparently she never put in the work request). After all that, I'm finally getting a box mailed to me so that I can send my little one away for repairs. I hear it can take up to 3 weeks... Sadness.

Oh and after reading online it's apparently MS policy now not to send a box but only email a shipping label. This is why I called the third time. Hell no I am not finding a box and packing this up myself. They are now sending me a box. Thank you, Josephine (I'm pretty sure that's not her real name).


LaYa said...

josephine, aka jignaneshi, is probably going to be burned alive for sending that box.

FP said...

Aw. Josey.