Thursday, February 28, 2008

Movin' on up, movin' on up..

For over two years I sat here. Yes, I'm serious.

Now I sit here and life is just a little bit better.


lupinion said...

i've always thought you were a scientist who worked in a lab.

in any case, i LOVe cubicle number 1, it's so fantastic. it's everything a cubicle should be, except they should have painted the partitions grey and put a huge spotlight right above it, to shine on you at all times. it's like an ode to cubicles and the fact that they gave you a huge chair, instead of the tiny wooden stool that belongs there, is even more corporate.

cubicle number 2 is very sexy, like the Continental of cubicles.

also, do you really have a duffle bag with your name on it?? that is fucking awesome. you're a good embroiderer.

evannn said...

nice work! so you're kind of a big deal now, huh? ;)

LaYa said...

you couldn't even STRETCH your arms out in the first cubicle! good god. yay for getting what you ask for! now everytime we gchat I know your feet are up on the desk, like a big executive. I bet this new cubicle is going to change you.

Mocha Almond said...

But don't you miss your cube partner?