M and E are two facebook friends who support opposing football teams. I should note that I am fb friends with E but not M. I do not know M at all. During the conversation (which did not include) M refered to E's team as "a bunch of girls" or "homos". This goes on for several comments and at this point I decide to crash the party (see 1st comment). I cut out E's comment because this doesn't really involve them but let's just say E is agreeing with me and M's following comment doesn't yet address me, per say, but it's more directed towards E... until I interject again.
My point in all of this was to try to educate this person that being a homo or a girl should not be an insult. As you can see, I failed. I'm proud of myself for staying calm and not resorting to name calling as opposed to M, who feels the need to refer to me as and idiot or an asshole several times.
My question is, should I not have gotten involved? I admit, this conversation did not involve me and maybe I had high hopes of trying to educate someone who has influence over the life of a small one to understand that what they are saying is indeed homophobic and also a little misogynistic.
Am I being way to sensitive? Probably, but I'm tired of this type of trash talking. It's trite. Come up with something new. Or better yet? Let the players do their job and support your team. End of story.
Your comments may not change his mind, but other people that know him might have read the exchange and learned that their friend is more ignorant than they may have known. Hopefully, they'll comment in your favor and maybe through them he'll see his errors.
But based on his posts... probably not.
I've actually ended up removing most straight male friends on social networking sites over the years because eventually, inevitably, they all show their fucking asses. As chauvinists, racists, homophobic dipshits or victim-blaming rape apologists (or some charming combination of the above). I wish it weren't the case. They all, at some point, seemed like genuinely awesome guys.
What's my point? Oh, yeah. Often these things have been teased out because I opened my fat mouth on a mutual friend's status to participate in a discussion or contribute my own opinion. If I see that 10 other people have already made the same point, I let it be. Enough. If it's escalating or droning on and on and NOBODY'S stepped in (sort of like your situation here), I'll usually say something (and in some cases I've warned my friend I'm going to do so and almost always they're like "OH GOD YES PLEASE DO KICK HIS ASS THANK YOU!").
His very predictable response is evidence enough that he's just another unremarkable asshole flying under the "good guy" radar, so good on you for standing your ground.
well, i think we all agree that i's pretty offensive when people are intolerant, but calling most straight males "chauvinists, racists, homophobic dipshits or victim-blaming rape apologists" falls into the same ilk of intolerance as far as i'm concerned.
there is no legitimate excuse for any kind of -ism; race, sex, or otherwise. being considerate of others is something that should be practiced by everyone.
Well thankfully this "person" is no where near my circle of friends! I don't even know him! I also would not put him on the same level as my male friends who are also straight as they are some of the most tolerant, thoughtful people out there and I adore them. The world is full of idiots of all sex, race, orientation and creed.
After reading all these comments I am glad I said something. Thank you to my friends on here (and on FB) for supporting me! I know it wasn't a big deal and in the grand scheme of things it didn't do much but I stood up for myself and for what I believe in and that makes me feel good.
And for the last time, I never mentioned your god damn son!
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